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【時事 Story Behind the News 】你有邀請碼嗎? - Clubhouse


近期爆紅的幾句話「你有邀請碼嗎」、「開房間」 都來自於同一個源頭-一個爆紅app - Clubhouse 你對它認識多少?加入了嗎?

  • 2021-02-04 12:44
  • 12653



盡力而為!記住偉大成就並非一蹴可及,必須按部就班、謹慎行事。 Just do your best. And remember, greatness is not what you think. Pace yourself and watch.

  • 2021-01-31 11:43
  • 10730

The Social Dilemma 智能社會:進退兩難

https://www.storyone.co/Article/show/1135/Netflix movie The-Social-Dilemma

nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse 影響凡人生活的巨大體系必定有害

  • 2021-01-09 23:56
  • 6934